Bloody Martian...

Created by David one year ago

Tony Marsh - TM - Martian, as we knew him as blokes for 50 years... - what a total bloke. I've known Martian for what seems like a million years. What the hell happened here? I hear his heart finally became worn out, but then this shouldn't really have been such a huge surprise as Tony had a heart the size of the sun and was perhaps too free with his boundless generosity. 

He might have benfited by being a miserable old bastard at times, and although he made an effort at this, his perpetual good nature always always overcame his reassuring grumpiness and perhaps that conflict eventually 'did for him'.

I find it hard to say, even in these enlightened times, that I loved a man. But I realise i did love the Martian. Naturally I never told him that. It seems that now looking back he was alwyas there - Tone, we're leaving at 03.00 for a motor race at Liverpool, can you drive the Cherokee for us - yes of course! Tone - I'm moving house again, can you help please? Yes of course! Tone - we need to move fifty tons of plant machinery - can you help? Yes of course! 

He was alwyas there - his heart open to all problems and the best friend a bloke could ask for. At times silly stupid on Motorbikes (160mph + and chasing on the Alresford by-pass) and endless other fruitless pursuits that silly men are famous for. 

In these enlightened times I suppose we should have at a time hugged or kissed. I'm happy to say neither happened or even got close to happening.

Tony was a proper old fashioned bloke and the best mate. I can't measure how much I miss him already, but that selfish view can only be 1% of how much Carol and the kids and family miss him too. 

I have so many great memories of Tony - I simply can't pick one stand out moment - except they're all brilliant.

What a top bloke. We had so much bollocks still to talk - maybe one day we'll actially finish a conversation together. Bugger.

A real bloke - top man. Few left. We shouldn't have this conversation for another 25 years.

Farewell old chum.